Rarely do we find so much talented director like Vikram Kumar, banking heavily on the superb success of ‘Manam.’ This one film made Vikram, a most wanted director for all Telugu star heroes. Right from youngsters like Bunny to senior star heroes, everyone is standing in the queue to sign Vikram. However, he is dedicated towards Surya’s upcoming flick ‘24’ set for a grand release on May 6.
The sci-fi action thriller ‘24’ is going for final Censor Certification today and all the release hurdles can be considered clear by today evening. Along with Suriya, there are Samanta and Nithya Menon on lead roles. What’s next from Vikram?
‘Actually, I have a trilogy of scripts for ‘13 B.’ I made a plan long back about this series. For this I prepared ‘13 C’ and ‘13 D.’ But, I was scared because people would have branded me only as a horror film maker. To escape from that branding, I took the challenge of trying variety of scripts and succeeded. Now, I might go back to my 13 franchise. I will announce my plans only after ‘24’ release,’ Vikram Kumar informed. Fear will not have a new address in 13 C and 13 D.
The sci-fi action thriller ‘24’ is going for final Censor Certification today and all the release hurdles can be considered clear by today evening. Along with Suriya, there are Samanta and Nithya Menon on lead roles. What’s next from Vikram?
‘Actually, I have a trilogy of scripts for ‘13 B.’ I made a plan long back about this series. For this I prepared ‘13 C’ and ‘13 D.’ But, I was scared because people would have branded me only as a horror film maker. To escape from that branding, I took the challenge of trying variety of scripts and succeeded. Now, I might go back to my 13 franchise. I will announce my plans only after ‘24’ release,’ Vikram Kumar informed. Fear will not have a new address in 13 C and 13 D.
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