Mega Power Star Ram Charan made a disastrous debut in Bollywood with Zanjeer. The film and Charan's performance were panned by critics and Charan has not made any move to act in Bollywood again. However, speaking to a national media agency, Charan had some striking insights about Bollywood and the southern film industries.
Charan said that Bollywood has a lot to learn from South Indian Cinema in terms of film scripts. Charan felt that the drama in South Indian films is much stronger when compared with Bollywood scripts.
Hailing Bollywood's production values, Charan also said that he would want the southern film industry to adapt the Bollywood's production methodology. "Bollywood is far superior in those terms. We need to buckle up here," said Charan.
Talking about the film viewing culture in both the industries, Charan said that unlike in Bollywood very few films are being made exclusively for multiplexes down south since everyone watches a film even if it is a small film or a big film. Charan made these co
mments at an event in the capital.
Charan said that Bollywood has a lot to learn from South Indian Cinema in terms of film scripts. Charan felt that the drama in South Indian films is much stronger when compared with Bollywood scripts.
Hailing Bollywood's production values, Charan also said that he would want the southern film industry to adapt the Bollywood's production methodology. "Bollywood is far superior in those terms. We need to buckle up here," said Charan.
Talking about the film viewing culture in both the industries, Charan said that unlike in Bollywood very few films are being made exclusively for multiplexes down south since everyone watches a film even if it is a small film or a big film. Charan made these co
mments at an event in the capital.
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