The TDP's MP and union minister of state Sujana Chowdary's son Sai Karthik was booked for rash driving. Going by the reports, Sujana Chowdary's son was caught by Hyderabad police for rash and negligent driving on Friday late night at the upmarket Jubilee Hills check post.
Sai Karthik's Porche 911 car bearing the number AP 09 CV 9699 was caught by the traffic police when Karthik and a few of his friends indulging in car racing. The car was registered in the name of Sujana Universal Industries Limited. His car was seized by the police and he was booked under 184B (driving dangerously) of Motor Vehicles Act.
Meanwhile, the minister's son was later given counselling by the police at Banjara Hills Police Station. The ministers and other politicians should teach the discipline and attitude among their children before delivering messages to the people.
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