Mega Power Star Ram Charan's Bollywood debut film 'Zanjeer' was a huge flop at the box office. Post 'Zanjeer's release rumours were rife that Bollywood's superstar Salman Khan would be teaming up with Ram Charan for a multistarrer and it would be the reentry of Ram Charan in Bollywood.
Speaking to a media house, Ram Charan refuted the rumours of the multistarrer film. However, Ram Charan said that he would play a solo hero of Salman Khan's own production venture and the script work of the project is currently on. As 'Zanjeer' lacked the entertaining elements, Ram Charan may take care to get all the commercial elements to be incorporated in the project.
On the other hand, Ram Charan's upcoming film 'Dhruva's shoot is under way. The movie is being directed by Surender Reddy. Rakul Preet Singh is doing the lady lead of the movie. Mega Producer Allu Aravind is producing the movie on Geetha Arts. The movie is likely to be released in the early second half of this year.
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