May 6th, this date has been creating new headaches for hero Nithin and Suriya from last couple of days. It is already reported that, Suriya has taken up ‘24’ so prestigiously and is working towards a grand release of both Telugu and Tamil versions on May 6th. Though Tamil version is released by Studio Green at own risk, Telugu version distribution rights are bagged by Nithin and Sudhakar Reddy owned Sresht Media.
With release dates of ‘24’ and Nithin, Trivikram’s ‘A… Aa’ falling on the same day, the real problem began. According to an update, Nithin requested Gnanavel Raja and Suriya to postpone the Telguu version release at least by two weeks to accommodate ‘A… Aa’ on May 6th. However, Suriya is in no mood to push the release has come down to Hyderabad only to announce the date as May 6th.
A completely upset Nithin is informed to have backed from ‘24’ distribution deal and Studio Green is releasing the Telugu version with assistance from a popular producer cum distributor. Time has to say, whether ‘A… Aa’ will release on May 6th against ‘24’ or will be postponed till May end.
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