Just three days back, President of India presented Padma awards to various personalities who had excelled in their own fields. And this year there were quite a number of 'Telugus' including media baron Ramoji Rao (Padma Vibhushan), popular film director S S Rajamouli (Padmasri), noted litterateur Yarlagadda Lakshmi Prasad (Padma Bhushan) and artiste Vaikuntham (Padma Sri).
It is a great chance to honour these personalities who brought more name and fame to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. And from Film industry, it is just Rajamouli to bring award for his magnum opus 'Baahubali'.
The movie also won National award. Ramoji Rao is also connected to Telugu industry as he produced lots of award winning movies and he gave life to new artistes. But both were ignored by our great MP T.Subbarami Reddy. He often has the habit of getting lime light by felicitating film stars.
A day after the awards, TSR held a function in New Delhi and felicitated Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra for getting the Padmasri award. Several celebrities including Mohan Babu attended the function. But everyone wondered why he preferred Priyanka Chopra alone ?
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