Earlier it was rumoured that Young Rebel Star Prabhas' 'Baahubali' would be starred by a few stars of Bollywood for cameo roles. But none of the gossips has been proven right. Fresh buzz making rounds is that the makers have approached Bollywood's top heroine Deepika Padukone for a short yet crucial role in the movie. However, she is yet to give her nod to do the role.
Team 'Baahubali' has been jubilant for winning national award and are rejuvenated to work for 'Baahubali 2'. The movie has ensemble star cast who include Young Rebel Star Prabhas, Rana, Anushka and Tamannah in lead roles.
Directed by SS Rajamouli the movie is being made as a complete folklore entertainer. Keeravani has scored the music of the movie. The movie was produced by Shobhu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni on Arka Media Works. The movie will hit screens on April 14, 2017.
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