Prince Mahesh's 'Brahmotsavam' is being planned for a simultaneous release in both Telugu and Tamil languages. Mahesh's previous dubbed flicks, however, could not live upto the expectations in Tamil Nadu. Having kept this fact into minds, the makers of 'Brahmotsavam' are more cautious in making the film which suits to the tastes of both Telugu and Tamil audiences.
The last schedule of the movie will begin on April 2. This crucial schedule will have all actors of the movie to participate in the shoot. Moreover, the production team has planned to shoot balance songs of the movie in this schedule itself to ensure entire shoot of the movie is wrapped up.
The much awaited audio launch of the movie will be held in the temple city Tirupati on 24th of April. The movie is being directed by Srikanth Addala. Touted to be a family entertainer the movie was made on Mythri Movie Makers. The movie will hit the screens in the month of May.
The last schedule of the movie will begin on April 2. This crucial schedule will have all actors of the movie to participate in the shoot. Moreover, the production team has planned to shoot balance songs of the movie in this schedule itself to ensure entire shoot of the movie is wrapped up.
The much awaited audio launch of the movie will be held in the temple city Tirupati on 24th of April. The movie is being directed by Srikanth Addala. Touted to be a family entertainer the movie was made on Mythri Movie Makers. The movie will hit the screens in the month of May.
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