Actress Hamsa Nandini has been roped for upcoming family entertainer movie “Srirastu Subhamastu” under the direction of Parasuram in which Allu Sirish and Lavanya Tripathi are playing the lead role. According to Allu Sirish, the movie will be game changer for his career. Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, Tanikella Bharani and Sumalatha are playing important role. Hamsa Nandini will be seen in a special number in this upcoming drama. According to the sources, she will make her screen presence as innocent funny desi girl and will shake her legs on peppy number. The movie is produced by Allu Aravind under the banner of Geetha Arts.
Hamsa to shake legs with Allu Sirish
Actress Hamsa Nandini has been roped for upcoming family entertainer movie “Srirastu Subhamastu” under the direction of Parasuram in which Allu Sirish and Lavanya Tripathi are playing the lead role. According to Allu Sirish, the movie will be game changer for his career. Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, Tanikella Bharani and Sumalatha are playing important role. Hamsa Nandini will be seen in a special number in this upcoming drama. According to the sources, she will make her screen presence as innocent funny desi girl and will shake her legs on peppy number. The movie is produced by Allu Aravind under the banner of Geetha Arts.
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