Pawan Kalyan and team are currently in Switzerland shooting for couple of songs to wrap up ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’ production. Few reports say that director Bobby is very much in Hyderabad managing post production works while Pawan himself is overseeing the direction and editing of two songs in Swiss Alps. Although choreographer and editor are at Pawan’s disposal, he isn’t wasting much time there.
To meet the release date of April 8, Pawan also sacrificed Srija’s wedding. Apart from directing songs, Pawan is also keeping a tab on Live Editing process used for these songs. A complete editing kit is packed to Swiss. As Pawan lands in Hyderabad in next three to four days, he will be submitting the final footage of two songs which just needs some color correction. Attaching this finished footage to first copy completes Bobby’s work once for all to send the product for Censor.
Pawan adopted spot/live re-recording for ‘Johnny’ which was actually misfired. Now, he hasn’t got ample time to edit the footage in Hyderabad. So, he used Live Editing unit to catch the speed. Let’s see, how all this works.
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