Actor Rana Daggubati, who has the best of physique in the industry, is currently experimenting with his taste buds. The actor is trying various dishes from the Japanese cuisine. After shooting for his upcoming film ‘Ghazi’ in Hyderabad, he has now taken off from work and flown to Japan for a vacation with his friends. He visited Tokyo, Hakone and Kyoto in the country.
Rana Daggubati said, “We stayed in Tokyo for the most part but Kyoto, known for its cherry blossoms, was my favourite, though we didn’t see the blossoms as they were going to bloom only this week. He also revealed that for a foodie like him, sampling authentic Japanese cuisine like seared tuna with wasabi and avocado, Japanese curry and rice, fish eggs and rice, and miso oyster soup, was the highpoint.
“Sushi and sashimi top my list of Japanese favourites,” he added.
When asked if he can also prepare all the dishes he tried, Daggubati said, “I can cook but I like eating more. I used to cook frequently earli
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