Comedian turned Hero Sunil's next film under the direction of Kranthi Madhav was launched today at Film nagar Temple. Miya George who is a familiar face for Tamil and Malayalam industries is making her Telugu debut with this untitled film. Suresh Babu gave the first clap for the muhurtham shot canned on the hero and heroine.
Parchuri Prasad who produced films like ‘Simha’ and ‘Shadow’ will be producing the film under his newly launched United Kireeti Banner. Sunil had pinned high hopes on this film after encountering with back to back films with routine mass entertainers. For a change he is working with Kranthi Madhav who churned out class films like ‘Onamalu’ and ‘Malli Malli Idhi Rani Roju’.
Sunil is currently shooting for a film titled ‘Jakkanna’. The movie is in its last leg of shoot. Jakkana shooting is 80% completed. The last schedule of the movie is currently in progress. With that the entire shooting will be completed. This new film is likely to go on floors once Jakanna is completed.
Parchuri Prasad who produced films like ‘Simha’ and ‘Shadow’ will be producing the film under his newly launched United Kireeti Banner. Sunil had pinned high hopes on this film after encountering with back to back films with routine mass entertainers. For a change he is working with Kranthi Madhav who churned out class films like ‘Onamalu’ and ‘Malli Malli Idhi Rani Roju’.
Sunil is currently shooting for a film titled ‘Jakkanna’. The movie is in its last leg of shoot. Jakkana shooting is 80% completed. The last schedule of the movie is currently in progress. With that the entire shooting will be completed. This new film is likely to go on floors once Jakanna is completed.
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