Veteran actor Anupam Kher, feted with a Padma Bhushan honour, says he will continue to serve the country to the best of his abilities. “Thank you my India for this honour. Will continue to serve my country to the best of my abilities. Padma Bhushan,” Anupam tweeted.
The 61-year-old expressed gratitude to his fans and well-wishers. “Thank you all for your kindness, support and wishes on my Padma Bhushan honour… You will always be my strength. Jai Ho!” (Read: National Awards 2016: Here is the complete List of Winners) The “Saaransh” star is an alumnus and a former chairperson of the National School of Drama (NSD). NSD was the first place Anupam visited after he was conferred with the award. “Felt great,” he tweeted.
The 61-year-old expressed gratitude to his fans and well-wishers. “Thank you all for your kindness, support and wishes on my Padma Bhushan honour… You will always be my strength. Jai Ho!” (Read: National Awards 2016: Here is the complete List of Winners) The “Saaransh” star is an alumnus and a former chairperson of the National School of Drama (NSD). NSD was the first place Anupam visited after he was conferred with the award. “Felt great,” he tweeted.
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