Actor Naga Shourya who is enjoying the success of his recently released movie “Kalyana Vaibhogame”, has hiked the remuneration after delivering one hit movie. Now he is demanding Rs 1 to 1.5 Cr as remuneration per movie which is giving shock to the film makers and his hiked remuneration is raising eyebrows in Tollywood.
According to the few people, Naga Shourya was not the main reason for the success of the movie and recently he gifted himself a car to celebrate the success of Kalyana Vaibhogame. Currently he is waiting for the release of his upcoming romantic drama “Oka Manasu” under the direction of Ramaraju in which Mega actress Niharika Konidela is playing the lead role and makers are planning to release the movie as Summer treat.
According to the few people, Naga Shourya was not the main reason for the success of the movie and recently he gifted himself a car to celebrate the success of Kalyana Vaibhogame. Currently he is waiting for the release of his upcoming romantic drama “Oka Manasu” under the direction of Ramaraju in which Mega actress Niharika Konidela is playing the lead role and makers are planning to release the movie as Summer treat.
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