The entire film unit of Sardaar Gabbar Singh is in Switzerland and makers have started the shoot of songs on the lead pair Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Kajal Aggarwal. They have already announced the arrival of Sardaar Gabbar Singh at theaters on 8th April in both Telugu and Hindi version. It is heard that the movie might get postponed to 14th April. Already makers have wrapped the entire shoot except couple of songs, the post production work is going on simultaneously. It might get delayed due to unknown reasons. It is also heard that makers are planning to make few changes in the movie as recently released trailer became fail to impress the audiences and now they are planning to make few changes in the movie to impress the mass audiences. The movie is directed by KS Ravindra alias Bobby whereas Sharrat Marrar is producing the movie and the music is sc
ored by sensational music composer Devi Sri Prasad.
ored by sensational music composer Devi Sri Prasad.
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