Thursday, 17 March 2016

BJP protest against Uttarakhand Chief Minister Har1ish Rawat turned violent and MLA Ganesh Joshi attacked a Police horse which was patrolling the protest. The BJP MLA who got furious started to laththi charge the horse and other protesters also joined.

This news went viral and there were lots of people who raised voice against him. Joshi who understood the intensity of situation defended his action and said that the horse was not given proper water throughout the day. He said the horse was thirsty and after giving the water it was fine.

But the video footage clearly said that the horse was hit by BJP MLA. The horse was injured and it was taken to veterinary hospital for treatment.. Trisha who is an Animal lover got furious on this issue and she tweeted, "Yes i pray u burn in hell !! Absolutely ashamed." 

Now this incident of animal cruelty has also created a war of words between Congress and BJP. Dehradun SSP said that the horse's leg has to be amputated and case will be filed against the BJP MLA.


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